※ [本文转录自 ask 看板 #1D68ByRF ]
作者: kaoh08 (AIR -the 1000th summer-) 看板: ask
标题: Re: [请问] 这句英文的意思
时间: Mon Dec 27 20:13:46 2010
不好意思 补上全文...
Set -advmethods flag always, requesting new advanced scientific cores and/or
work units if available <no/yes> [no]? yes (Leave as no if planning to Fold
-bigadv WUs.)
我想要跑-bigadv的UW 请问要选什么?
※ 引述《kaoh08 (AIR -the 1000th summer-)》之铭言:
: 如下...
: (Leave as no if planning to Fold -bigadv WUs.)
: 恳请解答 谢谢