hunler (SONEhunler)
2007-09-04 11:52:19已出来几天了..windows版也在日前释出..
The mission of AfricanClimate@Home is to develop more accurate climate models
of specific regions in Africa. This will serve as a basis for understanding
how the climate will change in the future so that measures designed to
alleviate the adverse effects of climate change can be better implemented.
The CPU impact of this on computers is anticipated to be similar to other
projects running on World Community Grid because the computer resource
requirements for AfricanClimate@Home are similar to that of FightAIDS@Home
and HPF2.
However, because AfricanClimate@Home requires a considerable amount
of input and output data, the downloaded work unit size is anticipated to be
approximately 77MB, which means it is approximately 150 times larger than a
typical FightAIDS@Home or HPF2 work unit. A 756kbps network connection would
take approximately 12-15 minutes to download the work unit. At this time,
there are no alternative solutions to overcome this issue.