0 最近哭点好低orz
1 Gloria Estefan, 'N Sync - Music Of My Heart
Boyzone - Everyday I love you
Stenphen Gately - I Can Dream
Boyzone - I Can Dream
Phil Collins - You'll be in My Heart
Celine Dion - My heart will go on
2 "What comes from your willing hands I take. I beg for nothing more."
"Yes, yes, I know you, modest mendicant, you ask for all that one has."
"If there be a stray flower for me I will wear it in my heart."
"But if there be thorns?"
"I will endure them."
"Yes, yes, I know you, modest mendicant, you ask for all that one has."
"If but once you should raise your loving eyes to my face it would make my life sweet beyond death."
"But if there be only cruel glances?"
"I will keep them piercing my heart."
"Yes, yes, I know you, modest mendicant, you ask for all that one has."
- Tagore, The Gardener 26
3 那个,要下戏吗?
我想要相信 你是真的
可爱的double standard. w
Yes, I mean it from my heart.
Changes: a. Malaysia is not just a country name
b. Japan people are friendly and loving
c. I do it for you
d. Rejection becomes more acceptable
e. Languages barrier sometimes is not a thing
f. My English becomes more poor
g. TGC pls fix it QwQ
4 艺术。
努力着眼于更好更恰当的方法 to love one
5 然后那个