wooter (wooter)
2020-03-31 22:45:14Every day is the same since that day.
Keep telling myself everything will be alright.
Still waking up with depression and despair.
Even though I should be considered lucky enough in this world, still not forgivi
ng myself.
Hardest part of life is not let someone you love go. It's letting yourself go.
There're so many things to learn in our life.
I have waste so much time cause I lost my goal. Only when I lost something I can
remember what I wanted to do. This is good.
Now I am reviewing Chinese astrology of myself. It's really interesting that it'
s not only shows what I should be care on my future path but also ,the most impo
rtant, what a person I really am. It points out so many weakness of me, but also
suggest I am blessed. For now, just keep walking on the path. Everything will b
e fine.