gowrite (gowrite)
2019-12-15 20:40:30practical puppeteer : using proxy to browse a page
today puppeteer topic will be related to proxy.
using proxy when browse a page is useful when we want to hide our origin
access location.
that's only one reason.
another reason it can be used to protect our privacy and
otheuse case is to open a website with geographical restriction.
according to wikipedia,
in computer networks, a proxy server is a server
(a computer system or an application)
that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from
other servers. a client connects to the proxy server , requesting some service , such as a file , connection , web page ,or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity.
proxies were invented to add structure and encapsulation to distributed systems.
in puppetter we can use a proxy when we browse a page on internet.
I will use serveral sample of proxy , such as sock4 , sock5 , and HTTP proxy.
let's start
install puppeteer
we also need some proxy sample.
for this i will use list of free proxy from
and we can pick serveral proxy from there.
the code we will use sock4 proxy and IP location of this proxy at cambodia proxy ip address and port 55796. I hope the proxy address still working when you try the example
file proxy_with_puppeteer.js
run with it
it will open website and it will show like below
ow nice , it means the proxy works.
how about sock5 proxy?
it's easy , just change the code that set the proxy like below.
for http or https proxy we can do like below.
if the proxy need authentication , we can add this code to support
authentication . put it before page.goto() part.
that's it.
thank you and I hope you enjoy it.