I am a mirror.
Really, I can show others how disgusting those religisions are.
At first, it seems that they are something, only as you can see,
they are nothing.
Tell me how to complish run for 10 laps, walk for one lap, and replacing the
wet clothes in 30 minutes.
What the shit is.
I just seeded up, and then they tought it worked.
I have said that there are something interesting.
Why do those thinking them picked by the Gods don't have something to do with
the successful people, but live in the verge of our society.
I have watched them.
Really, most of them live the worse life than mine by taking a look at them.
The reason is simple.
The normal life they hardly live, so they have to take advantage of something
to make money.
The religision is the best choice.
I have said that once they are picked by Gods, such means I am somehting
or something higher than Gods?
Two Answer~
1. Bullshit
2. I am top of the gods.
I think the real answer is easy to make out,isn't it?
I have said that I don't want to be the first poet or rapper in the world,
create a new school, style or trend, or something like that.
I just would like to someone as the protagnist of Gundam: dance with music.
He uses a rod.
I use the lips.
And then, since I want to release my thoughts and sentiments, I think I should
be the one who can make what I want to express more flavorful,don't I?
Just like Lee Bai I think, so I have to learn freestyle.