楼主: ArtisChz (亚提斯)   2018-04-06 12:13:20
Around six years ago, Jeremy Lin caused a sensation in the NBA.
This Harvard graduate grasped the opportunity to prove himself
when his teammates did not play due to injury. He even outscored
Kobe Bryant, who I appreciate since I was a child.
After that, everybody in my class seemed to become a fan of Lin,
sometimes annoying me because I considered them bandwagon fans.
I'm always happy to see more and more people care about sports;
but I detested the behavior of getting on the bandwagon.
(Maybe I was overreacting.)
As time elapsed, none of them cared about Lin anymore, and
it did not surprise me at all.
That was the moment that I decided to have another English name.
My kindergarten teacher always called me Jeremy.
So, naturally, I used this name for almost ten years.
(Btw, I don't like her very much 'cause she forced to me to eat veggies.)
It was also the time that Korean pop music started to become
a global phenomemnon. Many of my classmates were big fans
of Lee, Hong gi, who is a South Korean singer once
cast as a drummer named Jeremy.
I was afraid that they would think I call myself Jeremy
on the grounds that I like Jeremy Lin or Lee, Hong-gi.
Or, they would consider me a bandwagon fan. (Overreact again?)
As a consequence, I have another name which means bald.
Well, I gotta admit that I didn't check the meaning at first;
I just like the way it's pronounced. So, sometime, it's a little bit
embarrassing to introduce myself in English; not to mention that this
name would make people think of a French theologian, lol.
Speaking of baldness, I'd heard people say if you want to know whether
you will become bald or not, just go to see your uncle.
I was like - "What?! R u kidding me?"
Both of them are bald. = =
I think I'll just shave my head if I really
have alopecia in the future. XD
作者: celibate1925 (TED)   2018-04-06 12:47:00
作者: QQ890829 (翔翔娃兒不信甜美的誓言)   2018-04-06 12:52:00
我也有看到XDD 不过英文就pass了看来是一个撞名的故事 而且还不只一个人0.0
楼主: ArtisChz (亚提斯)   2018-04-06 14:26:00
XDDDDD 上次看一部纪录片 有个BBC的记者小时候就有每天写文章的习惯 但4好难RRRR
作者: Fengyo1963 (卡布)   2018-04-07 13:20:00
等等 林书豪打球这么久了吗Xd
楼主: ArtisChz (亚提斯)   2018-04-07 16:45:00
对R 林书豪是我国中时进NBA的 我大学都快毕业了XD

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