satanc (我要大哭了啦)
2017-08-24 01:24:33okay fine, I can totally understand that you need to do it one day.
I didn't realize it comes so soon.
What I expect is that we are still friend at least on facebook.
Is that hard for you?
No one will notice that you have an asian friend.
And What's wrong with you???
Unfriend directly just on thursday afternoon?
What the hell is it?
So I assumed that your new girlfriend comes to yours and check your facebook page?
It doesn't make sense at all. You suppose to be working at the moment.
Literually, you did it yourself from you deepest heart.
You were at your work and something came to your mind and decided not having friendship anymore.
Whatever, I am good and I don't deserve it.
I know what kind of person you are and you are just a piece of shit!
You are the one who need to face the shit you bring to your life.
And you know what? GO TO HELL!!!!