fun5566 (8卦板译人打赏箱没钱)
2016-08-07 00:19:18http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/01/nyregion/new-york-city-overcrowded-sidewalks
Taking It to the Street to Dodge Sidewalk Mobs/纽约人行道挤爆 行人与车争道
Winnie Hu
译/陈韦廷 (2016-08-05)
Ivette Singh hardly bothers to walk on the sidewalk on her way to work in Midt
own Manhattan anymore. Too many people, too little space. Not enough patience.
Instead, Ms. Singh can be found on the wrong side of the curb as she makes her
way from Pennsylvania Station to her job on Third Avenue near 40th Street, an
d then back again. She prefers dodging yellow cabs and bicyclists to navigatin
g sidewalks teeming with commuters, tourists and cart-pushing vendors, all jos
tling for elbow room.
“I don’t mind the walk, it’s just the people,” Ms. Singh, an account coord
inator for the Univision television network, said. “Sometimes, they’re rude.
They’re on top of you, no personal space. They’re smoking. It’s tough.”
Ms. Singh is just one among many pedestrians experiencing a growing phenomenon
in New York City: sidewalk gridlock.
以下为me friend没拿新台币的翻译:
New York’s Sidewalks Are So Packed, Pedestrians Are Taking to the Streets
By WINNIE HU JUNE 30, 2016
纽约的人行道上 如此之拥挤,行人都走上街头
胡温妮 2016 年 6 月 30 日
In Seattle, a busy stretch of East Pike Street in the Capitol Hill neighborhoo
d that is lined with restaurants, bars and clubs was closed to cars on three S
aturday nights last summer to make room for pedestrians overflowing from the s
idewalks. “It just feels so jammed with humanity it becomes a rough situation
,” said Joel Sisolak, sustainability and planning director for Capitol Hill H
ousing, a community development corporation that has worked with city official
s to address the issue of crowded sidewalks.
在西雅图, 国会山附近的东派克街是1条繁忙的路段,在此街上面林立的餐馆、酒吧和俱
在去年夏天 的3个礼拜6的晚上 被封闭起来,因为人行道太挤了 要腾出空间给行人。"
它只是觉得人太挤了,它变成艰难的局势,"乔 Sisolak 说,国会山房屋的 可持续性和
策划总监 ,
此社区发展公司已与市政府官员合作, 演讲拥挤的人行道的问题 。
Space on New York’s sidewalks is at a premium at a time when the city’s popu
lation of 8.5 million is higher than ever. Add in the record 59.7 million visi
tors who are expected to descend on the city this year, up from 48.8 million i
n 2010, and it is a recipe for thoroughfares packed like sardine cans. Chris H
eywood, a spokesman for NYC & Company, which oversees the city’s tourism effo
rts, said his group was increasingly highlighting attractions outside Manhatta
n in hopes of dispersing visitors.
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