fun5566 (8卦板译人打赏箱没钱)
2016-08-04 00:04:37http://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-mountainlion-idUSKCN0Z406B
本篇新闻是陌生人 魏国金 拿新台币翻译的。
World | Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:42am EDT Related: U.S.
Mother saves son from mauling by mountain lion in Colorado
A mother fought off a mountain lion that attacked her five-year-old son while
he was playing with his older brother outside his home in western Colorado on
Friday, the local sheriff said.
The unidentified boy's mother heard screams and raced outside the house northw
est of Aspen where she found the cougar on top of her son, the Pitkin County S
heriff's Office said.
The woman "was able to physically remove her son from the mountain lion" and
the boy's father called 911 as he drove his son to hospital, the sheriff added.
A hospital spokeswoman said the child sustained injuries to his face, head and
neck and was in fair condition. His mother was treated for injuries to her ha
nds and legs and released.
腿部的伤后已经出院。 ^^
Sheriff's deputies and a law enforcement officer from the U.S. Forest Service
found the mountain lion in the front yard of the residence and put it down, th
e sheriff said. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Officials were searching for a second mountain lion after witnesses said two l
ions were seen in the area prior to the incident, the Colorado Parks and Wildl
ife department said.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill said there have bee
n two, possible three, fatalities related to mountain lion attacks in the stat
e since 1991, while some 16 people have been injured by cougars since 1970.
The last known attack in the state occurred in July 2015 when a young lion att
acked a man as he fished in a remote area in northwest Colorado, the wildlife
department said.
In another wild animal attack, police divers recovered the body on Wednesday o
f a two-year-old boy who was grabbed by an alligator in front of his family du
ring a vacation at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The boy's father had
fought to wrestle his child from the alligator's grasp.
此段me friend没薪水的翻译:
在另一场野生动物袭击,在佛罗里达州的 奥兰多的华德 狄斯奈乐园,在度假期间,1位2
岁大的男孩,在他家人面前 被1只鳄鱼抓住,警方潜水员们在礼拜3 发现了/寻得了 这位
(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien; Editing by Kim Coghill and Alexander Smith)
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