薪资范围:新台币 30K-60K 以上
工时与休假: 弹性上下班,10:00 至 19:00 周休二日,依国定假日休假
福利制度: 年终奖金 + 中秋礼金0.5个月 + 端午礼金0.5个月 + 营运分红
1. 熟悉AE/PS/AI等绘图软件操作,熟悉Flash制作。
2. 能搭配3DMAX等软件制作动画经验者佳。
3. 对于连续帧动画的绘制制作具备经验,能整合动画元件,做好资源管理使其复用度高
4. 可以写简易动画脚本
5. 拥有多种的美术风格掌握能力
1. Motion graphics的经验3年以上,个人可以独立完成动画影像制作流程
2. 对于UI端的Motion graphics制作观念熟悉者佳
3. 拥有平面设计经验者佳
4. 对于新的技术或者plugin,勇于尝试者佳
5. 与工程师有协同工作经验,使用过Git 的版本控制工具,Zeplin 协同设计工具为佳
6. 有协助处理过 I18N, L10N 的国际版本语言的工作者为佳
1. 可以发想并手绘脚本,与团队成员讨论
2. 修改既有的动画ICON或界面游戏动画。
3. 制作与整合动画所需的素材元件
4. 动画风格试做并且按用户反馈吸收Feedback调整细节
5. 制作UI的过场动画
Graphic/ Motion Graphic Designer
1. Familiar with AE/PS/AI... graphic creating and editing software.
2. Familiar with Flash.
3. Experience with making motion graphics. Able to integrate animation icons
and component.
4. Able to create and control the animation resource and database.
5. Able to create easy animation script.
6. Able to edit and work with varies style of art work and animation.
1. 3 years + experience with motion graphics.
2. Able to work on motion graphics independently.
3. Familiar with motion graphics on UI.
4. Experience with graphic design.
5. Willing to try new plugin.
6. Experience and familiar with gaming industry.
7. Experience on working with software engineers.
8. Know how to use Git for version control. Zeplin for coloration with UI team.
9. Experience on I18N, L10N language internationalization and localization.
Job Description:
1. Able to create and handcraft animation script and discuss with team members.
2. Implement the animation icon or game interface animation.
3. Create and integrate animation component.
4. Modify animation style and adjust according of the user feedback.
5. Create motion graphics.
联络方式: 请将您的履历及作品集寄至 [email protected]