[D推] Derrick的2009-06-19

楼主: Ruiye (爱你让我变成吃人)   2009-06-19 17:34:13
1.Fortune message of the day: "What you seek is within your grasp"
2.RE: @IvyTanAW: @derrickhoh is it u eat a fortune cookie everyday?
(D replies: Ya! Restricting myself to one per day!)
3.怎么论坛有那么多短信留言 O.O"
4.derrickhohRE: @sarahlu: @derrickhoh D会困扰吗?如果会一定要跟我说
管理员只好采取*close*行动 毕竟要点来点去有点累是不是....
(D replies: 别担心,留言我是一定会一一读完,只是可能就不能一一回复囉..
只好体谅体谅 :P)
作者: star430 (DORAEMON)   2009-06-19 23:16:00
5. 何维健不为人知的一面 http://bit.ly/kjvs5RE: @regina619: Derrick!! haha. freaking funny canthat vid.. ur poor colleagues! (D replies: Regina!You are missed while all these happen)

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