讨论了一下这次改板的问题 什么怪变强呀 血变多 我很认真的看了一些资料
http://darkswords.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14356 很多东西的改变可以在这看到
10. Combat experience is not lost at death.
也就是死掉不掉任何经验值(经一天死十次的测试 是真的XD)
12. Optimum for fast and effective PvM determined urovneyvy range up to 20
levels above the level of character.
The optimal range for fighting monsters in Player Vs. Monster is 20 levels
lower-20 levels higher then your level
So, in other words, it would be best if you fought monsters 20 levels higher
or 20 levels lower then your character level. It would give the most exp for
effort, etc.
So if you were 300, you would want to fight mobs level 280-320
也就是说 总归一句 要练功 exp/lv hunt的人请打你的等级 上下20lv以内的怪
像以往lv 240的我们最常去打活死人村 甚至buff满满泡火河打一堆5xx 或6xx甚至到1000
级以上的怪 都不用想了
当然 你还是可以去打1000级 或甚至相当高于你等级很多的怪
5. receiving increased experience of the mobs, far exceeding the level of
You will get more experience when you kill a mob with a level far higher then
6. for one murder can not get more than 20% of the required to raise the
level of experience
Max amount of experience you can get from one kill is 20% of your total
experience for the next level.
当你去打你高你很多等级的怪的时候 你最多可以得到你升下一级时所需的1/5的exp
(其实很噱 但是 也要你打的中 为什么呢~?请看以下XD)
1. player receives a bonus for the chance to caste and a chance to damage to
the mobs [of 20] level and below
If your fighting a mob in the optimum range (+20 or -20 level range, ie if
your 400 it would be mobs 380-420) you will have a CHTH and CHTC bonus.
2. during the battle with mobs, exceeding the level of players more than 20,
are offset by some aspects of the disease, namely: congenital porphyria with
dodge / hysteria and innate hit with lycanthropy
If your in a battle with a mob, any mob exceeding 20 more levels then you,
are offset by your disease, as in it will not be as effective. (regen, dodge
Mobs get a kick penalty (it makes you have 0-50% more CHTH/CHTC) ranging from
0-50% of benifet. You will get 0% benefit if they are more then 20 levels
below you, or 20 levels higher then you. If you are fighting a mob of the
same level as you, you get 50% bonuses, and then 2.5% less for every level
higher/lower then your level.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 400 you will get 50% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 410 you will get 25% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 390 you will get 25% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 405 you will get 37.5% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 420 you will get 0% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 380 you will get 0% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 100 you will get 0% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
So if your level 400 and your fighting a level 500 you will get 0% more
CHTH/CHTC bonus.
刚刚提到的mob 打正负20级的bonus在这
不过 现在我是中规中矩的打正负lv 20以内的怪
我想Admin这次的意思 就是要你练功 不管单练 团练都好
尽量都选择20级正负内的怪 才能获得最大的练功效益
另外 很多quest现在的bonus都是很多的钱钱
lv 180的兽人剑士测试过的结果是..1hr ~2.5 hrs能升一级(无buff状态)
ps:不过 装的确比较麻烦的多了 要打装得麻烦的多-_-+
ps2:要玩法师的人 累的多了 因为 法术没改弱多少 但 你很容易被怪打死呀~~~~