关于后制的限制,我们社(Getty Images)有个专门的文档,分享给大家。
Changing the editorial content of any image is unacceptable.
This newly updated document serves as a reminder of our
company policy regarding the importance of not manipulating
editorial photos in our News and Sport collections
(in conjunction with our Editorial Integrity Policy,
http://www.gettyimages.com/Corporate/EditorialPolicy.aspx) and
includes a clarification on our policy regarding the use of on- and
in-camera filters and specialty lenses.
Photo manipulation (i.e. changing the content of a photograph) is
a very serious issue in the editorial photo industry. It is
imperative that we maintain our editorial integrity with both our
customers and competitors. Any mistake may breach industry
standards and jeopardize our business practices.
Ultimately, it comes down to sound judgment and careful
application of your individual Photoshop skills. Less is more.
If you feel that you have a question about a specific case, you can
ask your DOP, the Picture Desk Editors or Cole Porter at any
2.1 Acceptable Changes
?Minor color adjustments / corrections
?Limited lightening or darkening
?Limited sharpening
?Removal of dust spots (caused by a dirty lens
?or sensor)
?Converting a color image to black & white
?Removal of Red Eye (caused by Flash Photography)
?as long as it does not affect the context of the photograph
2.2 Unacceptable Changes
Any other changes not included in the preceding list of Acceptable
Changes, including but not limited to the following:
?Adding objects or information that were not in the original
?Deleting or obscuring objects or information that were
visible in the original photograph
?Extreme lightening, darkening, color- and contrast
adjustments using Photoshop or any other computer
software (e.g. making a grey sky blue, a blue sky orange
?Creating an extreme silhouette from a correctly exposed
2.3 Exceptions
Digital composite images, usually done to create panoramic
images to overcome equipment limitations, are acceptable with an
Editor’s Note:
(EDITORS NOTE: Image is a digital [panoramic] composite.)
3.1 All EMEA and AsiaPac Editorial Photographers
The use of on- and in-camera filters (including polarizing,
graduated, star burst or special effects filter) is acceptable for
these photographers at any editorial event they cover globally.
However, any photographs created by using these filters must
include the following line at the front of the caption field and
special instructions field (see caption example on the right):
(EDITORS NOTE: A special effects camera filter was used for this
It is the responsibility of the individual photographer who has
taken a photograph with a filter to make sure that this Editor’s
Note is added on each photograph before it is transmitted to the
Global Picture Desk, directly to our feeds or our site. If material
has been edited and captioned by a field editor it is still the
responsibility of the photographer to inform the editor that a filter
has been used and make sure the Editors Note is in the caption.
3.2 All North America Editorial Photographers
Editorial photographers are not to use any special effects filters for
any live editorial coverage they are assigned to globally. This
includes the use of lens babies or other special effects devices. Real
variable focal plane lenses (tilt/shift lenses) are okay to use.
The sole exception to this policy is the legitimate use when
necessary of a polarizing filter. If a polarizing filter is used, then
the following Editors Note must be added to the front of the
caption field and the Special Instructions field as stated above:
(EDITORS NOTE: A polarizing filter was used for this image.)
If a tilt/shift lens is used, the Editors Note should read:
(EDITORS NOTE: This image was created using a variable planed
3.3 Distribution of filtered photographs on the live feeds.
1) Any photographs taken using polarizing filters may be
distributed on all live feeds as long as the appropriate Editor’s
Note appears in the caption field and special instructions field.
The same applies to any photographs taken using tilt/shift lenses,
as well as digital panoramic composites, provided the above
mentioned Editor’s Note is applied and the edit that goes out on
the feed supplements the regular editorial coverage rather than
make up the majority of it.
2) Any photographs taken with special effects filters by
EMEA/AsiaPac photographers are not to go to the North
American wire feed – without exception. These pictures can,
however, be sent out on the other live feeds and appear on the
editorial site provided the proper Editor’s Note regarding filter
use has been applied.
The above rules apply to all people who are involved at any stage
in the production and distribution of editorial photographs,
whether live or non-live production.
This updated policy supersedes any previous versions. It forms
part of Getty Images’ Resource Guide and as such does not
constitute a contract or promise of specific treatment in specific
circumstances. It may be amended by the company from time to
time in its sole discretion.
Please note that due to the serious business implications of failing
to adhere to these guidelines a breach of this policy may
constitute gross misconduct and lead to summary dismissal or
termination, as applicable. Such determination shall be made in
Getty Images’ sole discretion.4 SUMMARY
The above rules apply to all people who are involved at any stage
in the production and distribution of editorial photographs,
whether live or non-live production.
This updated policy supersedes any previous versions. It forms
part of Getty Images’ Resource Guide and as such does not
constitute a contract or promise of specific treatment in specific
circumstances. It may be amended by the company from time to
time in its sole discretion.
Please note that due to the serious business implications of failing
to adhere to these guidelines a breach of this policy may
constitute gross misconduct and lead to summary dismissal or
termination, as applicable. Such determination shall be made in
Getty Images’ sole discretion.
※ 引述《czqs2000 (青山)》之铭言:
: 小弟是中国人,打字就不太在意简繁了。
: 这个问题得分什么摄影师了。
: 如果你是新闻摄影师,那显然你不能后制,后制就是作弊。
: 如果你是纪实摄影师,那么可以适当后制,比如改变一下整体色调什么的。
: 如果你是风光摄影师,那么可以多做后制,不后制基本没法看。
: 如果你是商业摄影师,那么就一定要后制,不后制没人会付钱给你。
: ※ 引述《boomb (playtwo)》之铭言:
: : 因为看到很多厉害的摄影大师照片
: : 感觉都是经过后制才呈现出来的
: : 原始的照片应该是普通吧(不让人有惊吓到美呆了?
: : 有那种网站是有分享原始照片跟ps或者lr等处理过的照片比较的吗
: : 不然我觉得只要拍照会构图就好了
: : 相机也不用是多好的 爱疯就足够了
: : 虽然我对构图还是不太行
: : 但最近感觉后制比拍照重要
: : 因为拍照只是兴趣
: : 想要呈现很美的照片却是要经过后制
: : ....
: : 还是我错了呢