HC 专家级
诗寇帝 179ed 7000p
依森哈特全套 300P 3PG
将军的连枷 (The General's Tan Do Li Ga)58%ed 100p 1PG
哥布林脚趾 (Goblin Toe) 50ed 200p 2PG
裂臀 (Tearhaunch) 69ed 200p 2PG
胜利者的丝绸 (Silks of the Victor) 112ed 500p 5PG
胜利者的丝绸 (Silks of the Victor) 102ed 300p 3PG
震骨 (Rattlecage) 300p 3PG
农夫王冠 (Peasant Crown) 12生命回复(max) 500p 5PG
霜燃 (Frostburn) 20ed(max) 300p 3PG
夜烟 (Nightsmoke) 30ed 300p 3PG
大紫水(10罐) 100P 1PG
以下免费送,还有一些新手用的有需要也可以送,看职业 戒指项链有需要也可以送
漩涡 (Maelstrom)
闪耀镰刀 (Gleamscythe)
维斯尔坦特 (Visceratuant)
铁长棒 (The Iron Jang Bong)
阴影圆盘 (Umbral Disk)
剑棘之盾 (Swordback Hold)