稍微蒐罗一下youtube上对于Diablo Immortal的高赞数评论
"Starcraft Tower Defense is coming up next"
Player : "We don't like anal"
BZ : "But you do have ass"
(玩家 : 我们不喜欢肛交
BZ : 但你们有屁股阿!)
Diablo fan joins chat
Diablo immortal joins chat
Diablo fan left chat
Diablo Immortal加入聊天频道
"we are super excited" - unexcited asian man
(我们超兴奋 -不兴奋的亚洲发表人)
Malthael jumped out of the game and reaped blizzard's soul
EA:We are the most hated Game Company
Blizzard:Hold My Beer
Never lost a boner that fast in my entire life.