[情报] 狱火事件 (蓝帖)

楼主: lovinlover (Lovin Lover)   2015-06-25 08:21:04
This is a very large patch so we were unable to fit ALL the awesome changes
into the preview blog. There are changes to the Hellfire event structure
coming in the next patch. Keywardens will now directly drop Infernal Machines
instead of Keys and the Hellfire Amulet now has a socket built in.
Check them out once they hit ptr and let us know what you all think! =)
钥匙王转职装置王, 以后直接掉装置, 钥匙绝版。
The Cube, for all intents and purposes, is like a new artisan. Once it's
acquired (by completing a quest in the new Ruins of Sescheron zone), you'll
be able to access it in each of the Act hubs. This unlock also works
similarly to other artisans — you'll need to unlock it once in each game
mode (Hardcore, Normal, Normal Seasonal, Hardcore Seasonal).
This does also mean that, like leveling up your Blacksmith or Jeweler, you'll
need to unlock it each Season. It's a pretty quick process, though. :)
方块和工匠一样, 完成任务解锁后, 同一模式下所有人物都解锁。
The Ruins of Sescheron do not appear in Campaign mode — they are an
Adventure Mode exclusive. As a byproduct, unlocking Kanai's Cube requires
Adventure Mode.
解锁方式需要在冒险模式下, 所以请大家多多支持资料片 (无误
作者: henry1234562 (亨利二十三)   2015-06-25 10:21:00
自带洞是基本团结我觉得可能没效耶 他特效是伤害均分给穿这装备变成被动后他怎么判断"这项装备"?四属已经中一个能有多难打 告诉你超难打XD魔方其实就是自以为很cool的东西XD只是这次是真的很cool不会失业啊 留着可以免疫两种属性..近战免疫雷+毒不是很爽吗虽然秘术师要选我肯定是选免疫冰..

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