[情报] 蓝帖

楼主: sifone7251 (sifone)   2015-03-14 23:14:14
The following items are intended to be Seasonal only for Season 3. Note that
not everything on this list is currently flagged as a Season 3 item at this
time. This is a bug and should be fixed in a future PTR patch:
以下这些物品 为赛季三专属
有些东西现在PTR上还打的到 那是bug
Dead Man's Legacy (rework) 亡者遗产 (多重箭筒)
Dread Iron (rework) 畏怖铁块 (野蛮人重腰)
Nagelring (rework) 拿各的戒指 (自爆魔戒指)
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac (rework) 黄道黑曜石戒指 (出招降CD戒指)
Hammer Belt (Placeholder Name) (铁锤腰,这啥)
Ranslor's Folly 兰斯勒的愚行 (龙卷风吸怪)
Little Man's Finger 小魔人之戒 (巨尸分裂)
Spirit Guards 精气守卫 (拳法减伤护腕)
Iceblink (Legendary gem) 闪耀冰晶 (冰缓 10%爆率传宝)
Mutilation Guard (Legendary gem) 致残守卫 (新传宝,忘记功能了)
Bottomless Potion of Amplification 扩大传奇药水 (所有回血增加)
As with previously reworked Seasonal items, once patch 2.2.0 launches, these
items will no longer drop in non-Seasonal games and will remain removed from
the non-Seasonal Legendary pool until Season 3 concludes.
On a related note, we will be removing Bane of the Stricken from Patch 2.2.0.
We're not happy with its current implementation. It's possible we may revisit
it in a later patch.
作者: rayallen3001 (琴酒)   2015-03-15 01:46:00
当然玩PTR爽啊 玩标准赛季装备都已经烂到渣
作者: sugableach14 (奈特-修马赫)   2015-03-16 02:15:00
天梯是有多难懂? 一堆崩溃塔手跟雨蛇神哪里套装了,他绿了吗?以前套装改了旧装不变你要重打现在是旧套装跟着改不必重打也一堆毛,不爽不要玩

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