[心得] Taichung CouchSurfing MeetUp 20180106

楼主: jidanni (积丹尼)   2018-01-02 22:29:16
Taichung Couchsurfing Meet Up is a outdoor activities.
It's a cosy get-together with CouchSurfer friends from all over the world. A
good chance to meet, talk, chill,
even picnic and hang out.
Come and join us at Taichung People Park.
Let's make this another great CS afternoon outdoor city life.
It's free, of course.
单的户外活动、聊天及分享任何故事,一起来参加吧! 创造一个不同于日常生活的快乐星
作者: Leonce39 (Leincr)   2018-01-04 21:24:00
need some picnic food?

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