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2014-11-24 21:06:48物品名称 :
Assembly Language for intel-based computers (Fifth edition)
Logic and computer Design fundamentals (Third edition)
Computer science illuminated
University Physics
Computer Architevture from microprocessors to supercomputers
Computer Organization and design (白算盘3版)
VHDL数位系统设计 蔡国瑞&林明权
Discrete Mathematics and its applications(离散数学) kenneth H.Rosen
Elementary Linear Algebra(线性代数) Howard Anton 9版
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Dennis G.Zill Michael R.Cullen 3版
Calculus(微积分) James Stewart 5版
数据库基本理论与实作 第二版 蒋定安
程式语言 visual basics 6 入门与应用 许庆芳/翁婉真
是否有图片: 否
预计售价 : 300起 可以议价
地点: 邮寄 or 面交
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