felaray (傲娇鱼)
2014-09-21 12:23:12※ [本文转录自 Cloud 看板 #1IJCsP6- ]
作者: felaray (傲娇鱼) 看板: Cloud
标题: [情报] 电子书商释出一本免费Azure书
时间: Thu Oct 3 09:51:16 2013
当然是外国的 台湾应该没这么佛XD
Free ebook: Introducing Windows Azure for IT Professionals
We are happy to announce a new free ebook – Introducing Windows Azure for IT
Professionals by Mitch Tulloch with the Windows Azure Team!
Whether you’re new to the Windows Azure platform or are already using it in
your business, this book has something that should interest you. Most Windows
Azure services are described in some detail, with screenshots used to
demonstrate some of the multitude of capabilities of the platform. And for
the experienced we have lots of under-the-hood insights and expert tips
written by Microsoft insiders who develop, test, and use the Windows Azure
The PDF is available to download today. The Mobi and ePub files will be
available through this post soon. I’ll update those links as soon as I have