sho2590 (欸屎欸å–å–”)
2023-05-11 13:09:51https://i.imgur.com/LRZqQe3.jpg
摇滚天团 Coldplay 首次高雄场 #票价图公开 下周开卖!
#Coldplay Kaohsiung ticket prices and seatmap are HERE!
【Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour - delivered by DHL 酷玩乐团2023高
演出日期:2023/11/11 (六) 19:30 (实际演出时间以现场公告为准)
演出地点:高雄国家体育场 (世运主场馆)
(含一张价值NT$8,800对号入座的看台区座位票券及VIP福利如下: VIP一生一次专属后台
ATE EXPERIENCE VIP专属周边商品、Coldplay特制环境永续周边商品、VIP专享周边商品
- MY UNIVERSE VIP座位套票 NT$12,300
(含一张价值NT$6,300对号入座的看台区座位票券及VIP福利如下: VIP专享进场通道、Col
- HIGHER POWER VIP平面摇滚站区套票(优先入场,票面有序号) NT$8,800
(含一张价值NT$5,800平面摇滚站区票券及VIP福利如下: VIP优先入场、VIP专享进场通道
- 平面摇滚站区(无序号) NT$5,800
- 看台座位区 NT$8,800 / 6,300 / 5,300 / 3,800 / 2,800 / 1,500
*平面摇滚站区进场顺序: HIGHER POWER VIP平面摇滚站区套票持票者 → 平面摇滚站区(
无序号)持票者。HIGHER POWER VIP和一般摇滚站区间并无实体间隔物,仅以入场顺序为
*无序号平面摇滚站区票券,请依现场工作人员指示依序入场。HIGHER POWER VIP平面摇
请确认无疑虑并可接受之后再行购票,现场将不接受以视线遮蔽为由退票或换位: F02、F
Live Nation Taiwan会员预售 : 2023/05/17 (三) 12PM – 11:59PM
(LNT预购教学: http://bit.ly/lnpreHP)
正式开卖 : 2023/05/18 (四) 12PM 拓元售票系统星际漫游开卖
更多节目及售票资讯: www.livenation.com.tw
【Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour - delivered by DHL 酷玩乐团2023高
Date:2023/11/11 (SAT) 7:30PM (Actual performance time based on on-site situ
Venue : Kaohsiung National Stadium
Ticket Prices:
VIP Packages:
- ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE VIP Seated Package NT$ 22,800
(Package Includes : One NT$8,800 seated ticket, Once-In-A-Lifetime Backstage t
our, Unprecedented stage access for a photo opportunity by a professional phot
ographer from where Coldplay will perform later, Dedicated entrance to the ven
ue, Custom merch exclusively for Ultimate Experience VIP, Specially designed s
ustainable Coldplay Gift item, Access to dedicated merch counters)
- MY UNIVERSE VIP Seated Package NT$ 12,300
(Package Includes : One NT$6,300 seated ticket, Dedicated entrance to the venu
e, Specially designed sustainable Coldplay Gift item, Access to dedicated merc
h counters.)
- HIGHER POWER VIP GA Package (Early Entry with serial number) NT$8,800
(Package Includes : One NT$5,800 GA ticket, Early entry, Dedicated entrance to
the venue, Specially designed sustainable Coldplay Gift item, Access to dedic
ated merch counters.)
General Tickets:
- GA (No serial number) NT$5,800
- Balcony seats NT$8,800 / 6,300 / 5,300 / 3,800 / 2,800 / 1,500
*Balcony seats are all seated with allocated seats
*One VIP Package ticket is limited to be used by one person only
*GA Area Entry Order: HIGHER POWER VIP GA Package ticket holders → GA (No ser
ial number) ticket holders. HIGHER POWER VIP and general GA area have no physi
cal barrier, and is only distinguished by entry order
*GA tickets with no serial number, please enter upon onsite staff instructions
. HIGHER POWER VIP GA Package ticket holders, if you didn’t queue up within t
he announced Queue Time on entry notice, your serial number will be given up a
nd you will need to enter upon onsite staff instructions.
*Please be sure to visit Live Nation Taiwan official website and socials for V
IP time, door time and entry notice before show day. Concert show time on your
tickets does not indicate VIP event time. If you didn’t check in within anno
unced VIP time on entry notice, your VIP benefit will be given up and cannot b
e refunded.
*For safety measures, pregnant women and children under 110cm or under 7 years
old are prohibited to enter GA area. Children under 10 years old must be acco
mpanied by an adult to enter for all areas.
*Please note that below seated areas might have partially restricted view due
to the actual position of delay tower and other hardware, please note before p
urchasing, no refunds will be accepted onsite due to restricted view: F02、F01
*There will be commemorative card tickets (Limited to NT$22,800/12,300/8,800/6
,300/5,800 tickets) and commemorative paper tickets (Limited to NT$5,300/3,800
/2,800/1,500 tickets) for this show. Please note that an extra NT$150 administ
ration fee will be charged per order upon purchase for the commemorative card
tickets or paper tickets custom made for this concert, and will not be refunde
d under any circumstances. “Courier/Registered mail” service are limited to
orders completed before (Including) 2023/10/10, one designated delivery addres
s per order. Orders after (including) 2023/10/11 can only be collected onsite,
please ensure to visit Live Nation Taiwan official website and socials for fu
rther details before show day.
Live Nation Taiwan Member Presale: 2023/05/17 (WED) 12PM – 11:59PM
(LNT Presale Guide:http://bit.ly/lnpreHP)
*Tickets are limited for presale session, and does not indicate seats or seria
l numbers will be better than other sale sessions
General Sale:2023/05/18 (THU) 12PM
More Info: www.livenation.com.tw