※ 引述《jiarjia ( jiarjia)》之铭言:
: 发案人:Amy Chen
: 联络方式1:jiarjia11@gmail.com
: 联络方式2:
: 所在地区 :Taipei
: 有效时间:7/20
: 专案说明:
: 因观众要求,故将原题目PO出
: 高奖金3-10万,MIT面试程式题目, 征求神人解答
: 云端硬盘中有59 张EXCEL表
: 目标是让每一张EXCEL档都符合游戏规则的目标数字
: 如果达到了游戏目标, 我愿意给出3-10万高额的奖金
: 题目以云端硬盘文章中的规则为主
: 题目连结:https://goo.gl/vRFiUr
: 时限:7/20之前
: 提交方式:
: 1. python程式
: 2. 或是跟我讲Logic我自己测试, 但需要1-3天的时间才能验证
: 若有不懂得地方欢迎提问
: 信箱:jiarjia11@gmail.com
: 游戏规则:
: Start with amount = 0, goal = 0
: (amount at any row can only =-1 or 0 or 1, -1 <=amount <= 1)
: program runs row by row, for each row N, you can use any information in row (0 to N-1):
: at row N you can do 3 things (decided by the logic you gave me):
: 1) amount = amount - 1 then Goal = Goal - the number in column E - 0.22
: 2) amount = amount + 1 then Goal = Goal + the number in column D - 0.22
: 3) Do nothing (amount = amount, Goal = Goal)
: For each file, try to Max Goal and end of row, amount = 0.
: (if end of row, amount not equal to 0:
: amount = +1, will just automatic use last row column E to force goal = goal - column E/
: amount = -1, will just automatic use last row column D to force goal = goal + column D) Therefore, amount = 0
: For every file, (running the same logic) End of each file amount = 0 (if amount = +-1 is ok, but will be forced to amount = 0 and adjust the goal to let amount = 0), and Goal > 200, 给10万 (that is 59 files, total goal for every file is >200 and sum up all files goals > 11800)
: (using the same logic for all files)
: For every file,(running the same logic) End of each file amount = 0 (if amount = +-1 is ok, but will be forced to amount = 0 and adjust the goal to let amount = 0), and average for each file Goal > 200, 给3万 (that is 59 files, total goal for every file can be anything, but >-1000 and sum up all files goals > 11800, Tips: the goal for later files are more important to get higher number)
: And average goal 150以上可以洽谈
: 游戏题目解释:
: 可用N以前的所有数据,来决定N+1是否杀细胞或者增加细胞.
: N+1可杀细胞数量为1, 杀每个细胞的含氧量为E, (总含氧量-column E)
: N+1可增加细胞数量为1, 增加每个细胞的含氧量为C. (总含氧量+column D)
: 最终目的0个细胞,总含氧量越大越好,大于200 (-E+D)
: 范例 1:
你确定这是 MIT 面试题而不是期货自动交易程式吗 XD
D/E 分别为卖价/买价 0.22 是交易手续费
拿已知的 DATA fine tune 一组公式会有 overfitting 的问题喔
然号你还要考虑滑价跟其他机器人布假单 XD