Re: [问题] 毕业学分unit

楼主: yuehfeng (联合会会长-阿郎)   2008-04-13 03:34:34
※ 引述《yyaarr (第六感)》之铭言:
: 我是未来考虑要入学的学弟一枚
: 以下是我攫取自学校的网页
: Clark MBA Curriculum
: Number of Courses
: A total of 16 course units is required to complete the MBA degree. Many of the courses offered are full-semester courses (14 weeks . 1.0 course unit each), while others are half-semester courses (7 weeks . 0.5 course unit each). Taking two half-semester courses is equivalent to taking one full-semester course. Half-semester courses start either at the beginning or in the middle of the semester.
: Core Curriculum
: Seven-week courses (0.5 unit each)
: ● Management Economics
: ● Operations Management*
: ● International Management
: ● Contemporary Business Law*
: ● Business and Society
: ● Statistical Methods*
: ● Management Decision Models
: ● Stock and Bond Valuation
: 14-week courses (1.0 unit each)
: ● Foundations of Accounting*
: ● Financial Management*
: ● Creating Effective Organizations - Strategic Decision Making
: ● Creating Effective Organizations - Leadership
: ● Marketing Management ?
: ● Management Information Systems ?
: * These courses may be waived prior to entering the program.
: ?The first half of these courses may be waived prior to entering the program.
: 以上的Core curriculum加起来总共是10个units
: 但是呢,毕业是16个units
: 这意思是说,Concerntration的部份我只能选6个Units而已吗?
: 可是,这样的话,专长领域的选修岂不是修的很少很少?
: 拜托学长姐们帮我解答一下喔!
6 units已经足够了(扣掉必修的mcp 只剩下5 units了)
一方面 并不是每一个选修都是1 unit
所以大概会修到6.7门课左右 另一方面 也没有很多课给你选
整学期 一个礼拜上4堂课算正常
排的不好 可能某个module只有2.3堂 下个module就变5.6堂课了
跟台湾大学或研究所比起来 课当然是少很多
不过美国体制不同 评分标准也不太一样 所以6 units已经很够了
当然 你想要修超过6 units也没问题!(只要缴钱就好了cc)
关于毕业后 找工作的情况 每个人都不一样
Clark虽然整体排名还蛮ok的 但台湾知名度应该算低
Clark的MBA也不是顶尖 在麻州应该算普普

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