[情报] 范金克尔再次接受膝盖手术

楼主: JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)   2019-04-13 00:53:50
Chelsea, Van Ginkel has knee surgery at Villa Stuart clinic in Rome
11/04/19 11:48
Chelsea midfielder Marco Van Ginkel had knee surgery at the Villa Stuart
clinic in Rome today. The Dutch player had previously had multiple
surgeries on the same right knee dating back to 2013, in agreement with
Chelsea he decided to have another operation with doctor Mariani. A follow
up procedure will take place in a few months.
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2019-04-13 01:30:00
到底是什么情况啊 去年不是才在俱乐部手术 这次又特别跑去罗马?含ACL这应该是他膝盖中的第四箭真的惨

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