JamesCaesar (首å¸ç™¾äººéšŠé•·)
2019-01-24 04:17:03https://twitter.com/goal/status/1086754756536750081
费迪南抨击 "若日尼奥传球2000次,没有助攻,不会防守,不会跑,攻防都没用。"
1. https://twitter.com/SydWechuli/status/1085610020018913285
本季神传 + 队友放枪大特辑
"Man he delivers some peaches. We just need better finishers..."
2. 官网赛后数据,仅撷取12月之后有提到防守数据的部分
#1S5uZrCt 若日尼奥是蓝军阵中拦截最多的,有三次。
#1SAVfXxx 鲁迪格还有三次抢断成功,与若日尼奥的数据一样。
#1SBlbA0Q 若日尼奥是我们抢断最多的球员,有四次抢下球权。
#1SDWrwkk 坎特是蓝军抢断最多的球员,完成五次,若日尼奥有四次抢断成功。
#1SEpGuk7 若日尼奥有四次成功抢断,是切尔西球员中最多的。
3. 很多人说最近快回英国的传球大师米克尔都比只会回传的若日尼奥强,是真的吗?
By simongabriel Jan 14, 2019, 12:06am GMT
Fact #1 — Jorginho does in fact pass forward — 66% of the time, in
fact. Of his 1997 total pass attempts in league play this
season, 1318 have been “forward”.
Fact #2 — Jorginho doesn't just recycle possession — 27.4% of his total
passes have targeted the final third.
Fact #3 — He does make long passes — 50 of them so far, of 72 attempts.
A nice 69% rate, his best since 2013-14, when he first moved to
Fact #4 — Jorginho makes forward passes in the final third — Of his 95.1
average pass attempts per match, 24.1 of them are forward
passes in the final third. 33.6 of them are forward passes in
the middle third.
https://i.imgur.com/wOHymh1.png 前22轮传球区域、传球成功率、向前传球比率
https://i.imgur.com/dTIZb8V.png 传球次数比率
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgaHcgNO94c
战术分析 - 却尔西 "太" 依赖若日尼奥吗?
5. https://twitter.com/AKINTESEGUN/status/1087307010918567936
非本队球迷阐述组织型后腰 'Regista' 作用讨论串,很长,仅列出关键数据和结论
Ferdinand lashed at him that he has no contribution when it comes to
goals, assists and tackles. I am not surprised that an English manager
hasn't won the league in the last 20 yrs. Jorginho's contribution in
Chelsea's defensive third is vital in the sarriball system of total
football. Let's take a look at Jorginho's stats for the season:
Ball Touches - 2312 1st in the EPL
Passes - 2077 1st in the EPL
Through balls - 16 2nd in the EPL behind David Luiz
Forward passes - 428 1st in the EPL
Pass accuracy - 85.3 % 1st
Chances created from opened play - 0.87 per game 1st
Defensive third passes 318 1st
Forward passes in the middle third - 299 1st in the EPL
Defensive third passes - 92 1st in the EPL.
People has called for Kante to be used as a Regista in place of Jorginho.
When faced with high pressing teams like Tottenham, City, Liverpool and
the likes, Kante would bulge under pressure. The ability of Jorginho to
read the game from deep makes him the best option for a team that plays
from the back without doubt.
While at Napoli, Allan and hamsik could compliment him with their tackles,
passes and work rate which made them a perfect trio. Kante effectiveness
in the Sarriball system is quite minimal with his strength majorly on
tackles and interceptions and little on possession, Kovacic and Barkley
has been super inconsistent and offers the team little.
Sarriball's team is work in progress, he has accumulated more points than
Pep at this stage in Pep's first season at City. If Parades (as a third
man in the MF with kante and jorginho) and a striker (Maybe Higuain)
joins in, the team performance as a whole would be greatly improved.
6. Sideways passer or Sarri's star man? Jorginho splitting the Chelsea fanbase
Nizaar Kinsella, Chelsea correspondent
Ferdinand is wrong about Jorginho. He is not there to provide assists.
That wasn't his role in a wonderful Napoli side that racked up a
club-record 91 points in Serie A last season. His job is to retain
possession and then get the ball to others so that they can make something
happen in the final third.
The problem is that Chelsea have problems in every area of the field. Many
players still look confused by Sarri's system and the Italian always said
that it would take at least a year for them to adapt.
Jorginho may be the poster boy of 'Sarriball' but he's not the man behind
it. Therefore, he shouldn't be blamed for its present failings. He
definitely needs to improve but, at the end of the day, he's just doing
his job.
7. 最后要请费迪南的前队友出场一下.....
I'm shocked he made that statement about Jorginho when he played with
Carrick and always defends Busquets
Carrick played 18 premier league seasons with 40 assists. Roughly 2 per
season. Ferdinand is here tearing into Jorginho when he was his team mate
for years.
曼联球迷: This Jorginho debate reminds me of when our fans hated
Carrick (even after masterclass vs Roma) because he wasn't running and
tackling like Keane used to do.
My point is, people who are judging Jorginho do not fully understand what
he is capable of at his best. As I have mentioned previously, the role
Jorginho plays in a team has never been fully appreciated in the PL. They
never appreciated Carrick until he retired, says enough.