[情报] 15-16 赛季财务报告

楼主: JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)   2016-12-17 05:26:52
Financial results announced with record revenues
Fri 16 Dec 2016
Chelsea FC plc today announced our annual financial results for the year
ended 30 June 2016 with the club's highest turnover figure recorded and a
profit of £4.7m before exceptional costs.
The group turnover figure of £329.1m was up five per cent on last year's
figure of £314.3m, generating a £4.7m profit before exceptional costs.
The club incurred exceptional costs of £75.3m, a significant part of that
as a result of a compensation fee payable for early termination of the
club's contract with adidas, resulting in a net loss for the year of
£70.6m after exceptional costs.
Since the financial year end we have announced a new technical partnership
with Nike, the largest commercial deal in the club's history which will
impact our results from 1st July 2017.
With ticket prices at Stamford Bridge frozen at 2011/12 levels and the
stadium selling out for our games, matchday revenues remained level.
Commercial revenues grew strongly on the back of our new shirt partnership
with Yokohama Tyres, at the time our largest commercial deal. Broadcasting
revenues also increased as a result of a new TV deal benefitting clubs who
participated in the Champions League last season.
We are expecting 2016/17 revenues to reach another record high for the
club despite our absence from the Champions League this season. The main
driver for this will be a new Premier League TV contract which has now
Chairman Bruce Buck said: 'The fact Chelsea Football Club recorded our
highest revenues in a season when on-pitch performance was disappointing
is a credit to our hard-working, dedicated staff and the robust business
they have helped build.
'It has long been our aim for the business to be stable independent of the
team's results and we continue to reinforce that.'
作者: aeoleron (拿出骨气来w)   2016-12-17 11:26:00
上季球衣便宜卖 反而一堆人买? (包括我
作者: fox391823 (九尾狐)   2016-12-17 11:35:00
因为adidas在出清啊 文章中我们的特殊支出有40M镑就是要付给adidas我们营收创历史新高 假如不算特殊支出还有4.7M的营利金然后因为我们的特殊支出高达75.3M镑 所以总营收是亏损70.6M镑这70.6M镑除了上述40M镑的违约金外 还包括教练的解雇费法院的合解费、英足总的罚款...等等
作者: SilverBullet (C'est la vi)   2016-12-17 11:49:00
作者: fox391823 (九尾狐)   2016-12-17 11:52:00
今年没欧战 所以明年在算这赛季的营收应该是不会太好看Nike的60M镑要到17-18赛季才会算进去呵呵...乱花钱...可以这么说啦XXD所以囉 假使Oscar冬转卖到上港 那么这52M镑的救命金就非常关键了听总A赛前记者会的说法 这比交易成功的可能性很大.....老实说我有一点舍不得...当初总A带尤文来我们家踢馆 就
作者: GroveStreet (jerseyfan)   2016-12-17 12:04:00
作者: fox391823 (九尾狐)   2016-12-17 12:05:00
是被他两个世界波震惊到 所以总A一直表示非常的遗憾...另外大家还记得2014年世界杯吗?巴西被德意志1:7的那场当时大比分落后 连打逼踢得有气无力了他是唯一攻入小新入球后没有时间庆祝 马上抱着球奔向中线企图力挽狂澜抱歉 打字有点掉漆 或许有人会说我口嫌体正直 但我是真的喜欢他我之前看报导也是说Nike可能会帮忙付钱 但财报的部分要怎么分条目记算 我就不知道了
作者: Slash520 (帅帅的故障)   2016-12-17 13:00:00
作者: u83nk4 (子雅)   2016-12-17 13:27:00
作者: GroveStreet (jerseyfan)   2016-12-17 13:39:00
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2016-12-17 14:16:00
奥斯卡可能告吹了 对岸部门介入查这次交易
作者: s9321312 (小凯)   2016-12-17 14:48:00
作者: a2156700 (斯坦福桥)   2016-12-17 15:36:00
作者: RockBottom (人狗情未了)   2016-12-17 19:18:00
影帝噱不到中国的话留着也不错啦 前场也需要替补看孔蒂能不能把影帝的进攻灵性找回来

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