Although you are an open-minded person in a lot of ways, Capricorn, many peopl
e born under your sign can be somewhat skeptical of certain metaphysical belie
fs. But because you have such a strong mind and a hopeful spirit, there are wa
ys you can make your life even richer if you were to adhere to some of the ass
ociated principles. For example, there may be something you are hoping for now
that seems out of reach. But with the mindset - and with powerful visualizati
on - you could draw in what you want more easily.
This week, try to work on using your amazing mind to get closer to a dream. Yo
u have been getting closer to a goal, but it has been very slow and painstakin
g. It's as if you are moving only an inch at a time. You are not by nature an
impatient person, but you may be fed up with seeing such slow progress. This w
eek, you may be able to take a step that will speed things up quite a bit. Thi
s may involve asking someone else to come in and help you out. Don't spite you
rself by turning down the assistance that can make this happen more quickly.
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