If you open your mind this week to the possibility that your priorities may be
mixed up, you may be able to start from scratch figuring out what is most imp
ortant to you, what can bring you the greatest satisfaction and success, and w
here you should begin to rearrange all of it. The insight that comes to you th
rough this process, Capricorn, could be quite valuable in understanding your o
wn motivations and your own true desires for where you want to be in your life
and how to get there.
You may have the chance to learn this week from someone you have admired from
afar. Getting to know a mentor or role model could be a very significant exper
ience for you, leading you down paths and opening up the exploration of though
ts and ideas that have meant a lot to you. Don't miss the chance to spend some
time discovering new things about a personal interest - and also about yourse
A memory from your childhood that has been something of a mystery may come to
you in a dream, or it may be triggered by a random and unrelated conversation.
This could shed light on something you have wondered about for a long time in
a very positive way.
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