It is already September, Capricorn, and it may have caught up to you in partic
ular, very quickly. That may be because time has gone by quickly for you due t
o your overwhelmingly busy schedule for much of the year so far. But now the y
ear is in its final quarter, and it may feel like the end of an era to you. In
a way, it is. It may seem silly to start compiling your list of New Year's re
solutions, but maybe that's exactly what you should do.
That's not because there is some magical element to creating a list like this
so that your new year will be perfect. This is more about analyzing where you
are and contemplating where you want to go from here, and now is a great time
to do that. A plan you have carefully constructed over time may begin to unrav
el this week - but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Although it may make yo
u feel frantic at first, once you start to see where this is leading you, it c
ould get pretty exciting. This unraveling could lead to a much better idea and
a significantly better plan, so don't stress over it. Stay cool.
When a young child develops a crush on someone, the child's parents may call i
t "puppy love." This means it is an immature attraction that isn't real love.
But sometimes we can see things as children that are hidden from us as adults.
You need to look at a new situation in your life with a sense of childlike wo
nder because this new passion could turn out to be far more than puppy love.
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