Time is far more precious than money. Money can often be earned again if it is
lost, missed out on, or misused, but time can never be recovered. Sometimes,
though, the two are linked in ways we do not immediately see. You may be inten
t on using the time you have allotted with a loved one, or using it to fulfill
an important mission to work at a financial opportunity.
There may be other chances to bring money in, but there may not be a chance ag
ain to do what was already planned. Use your time wisely by setting priorities
this week that you know you will be able to live with later on. Also this wee
k, be careful not to mistake someone's intense attention or flattery for harml
ess admiration. There may be ulterior motives involved if this person wants so
mething from you.
You are very wise and discerning, but it can be hard to distinguish genuine r
espect and appreciation from what someone may say for personal gain. Just be a
ware of this possibility, and you will figure it out. A partnership issue that
you had given up on may wind up on center stage again by the weekend. You may
find a way to work out something that seemed to present an impossible barrier
in the past. Be diligent in working through this if it's important to you.
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