aker0115 (薛宝钗的猫)
2019-03-04 00:56:14Let the adage "all's well that ends well" be your mantra this week. You may
have experienced a situation recently that did not go as planned. Even though
everything is turning out all right, you may still be beating yourself up
over the ordeal you have endured. Enough of that! It is all falling into
place, so count your lucky stars, learn from it, and move on. An event from
weeks ago may come up in some way this week. Someone you met then or
something you learned may be relevant to something you are working on now or
will be involved with soon. Use that source to build your reputation and to
fulfill a goal. Someone you could meet this week may remind you of a
character from your past. However, Capricorn, don't make the mistake of
associating the bad traits of that earlier person to the one who is new. They
are very different in the most important ways. Take a chance on a dream this
week. There may be some venture you have been longing to pursue, but the
timing may not have felt right in the past. But the time to reach for this is
here - don't wait any longer, or you may not be able to manifest what you are
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