[情报] 3/1 Daily Horoscope

楼主: aker0115 (薛宝钗的猫)   2019-03-01 00:33:24
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" That is what the storybook
character "Chicken Little" screamed after an acorn fell on his head. But he
said it with so much raw emotion that he convinced others as well. In their
panic, these characters ran into the fox's den never to be seen again.
Someone in your mist may be an alarmist. They may be very convincing indeed.
But don't give in to panic until you gather the facts. Doing so could lead to
real trouble.
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作者: ivyclover (草)   2019-03-01 00:51:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2019-03-01 10:02:00

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