aker0115 (薛宝钗的猫)
2019-02-20 02:31:56You need to make it your mission this week to discover all of the wonderful
qualities you possess, Capricorn. This should not be a hard thing to do as
your wonderful qualities are quite obvious to others. It is only you who does
not cherish or relish the fine example you set, and you really need to
appreciate yourself more. Make a list of your virtues and spend some time
thinking about each one. Then, whenever you feel down or undeserving, you
will have something tangible to turn to so you can remind yourself how much
value you bring to the world. A wake-up call may occur this week when it
comes to a friendship that has run its course. Someone whose company you once
enjoyed has not been a very good friend to you for quite some time. In fact,
this person might have taken advantage of you, taken you for granted, and
treated you without the respect you deserve. It's time to look at this
situation realistically and make any necessary changes or adjustments. A
social butterfly in your world may come across as rather forlorn this week.
With a few words of flattery and an expression of comfort, you can turn
things around for this individual, which will feel pretty good to you too. A
weekend affair could show you how the other half lives and make you more
appreciative of the way you live.
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