[情报] 9/29 Daily Horoscope

楼主: aker0115 (薛宝钗的猫)   2018-09-28 23:22:10
Something you put into action quite some time ago is nearly ready to reward
you in some way. When it does, Capricorn, it may come as a surprise because
you had given up on it. Although your effort may not bring you precisely the
achievement you had in mind, it will give you something you truly need right
now. Your "account" is filling up with good karma, and this is one of the
ways it works. Be grateful for this validation. Don't shy away, make the most
of it.
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作者: Chocolavie (水晶)   2018-09-28 23:37:00
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作者: Jessicalove (出走吧!世界那么大)   2018-09-29 10:28:00
作者: ivyclover (草)   2018-09-29 11:07:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2018-09-29 12:29:00
作者: Ambition0114 (咸鱼)   2018-09-29 13:00:00
作者: lazyyaki (和音)   2018-09-29 13:14:00
作者: Keppra   2018-09-29 15:53:00
作者: z8512230 (灰原小姐)   2018-09-29 18:45:00
作者: killuaz (从前的从前从没变过)   2018-09-29 20:04:00
作者: syuann1230 (yu)   2018-09-29 20:46:00
推 真的需要好消息~

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