aker0115 (薛宝钗的猫)
2018-06-17 21:31:06You should be proud of the way you handled a difficult person last week and
recognize that you utilized some helpful tools that you can now use in future
encounters with this person. In fact, the way you managed yourself may have
led you to feel more comfortable and in control in this person's presence.
This could lead to an insight that might not have come to you in any other
way. You may also be thinking about seeking more space in a relationship. It
isn't that you want to end this connection; it's more about feeling more
independent and more in control of certain choices. This may come to a head
as you confront these issues and express them to the individual, but if you
explain yourself by speaking from the heart, you will present a powerful
argument. Each weekday this week may bring a new challenge with a project you
are working on, perhaps in your career. While each experience may seem
insurmountable at first, you will begin to gain greater confidence in your
abilities as you meet and master each ordeal. You may wish you could be
anyplace else but where you are when these events occur, but by the weekend,
you will recognize that this was a really good learning experience. On the
weekend, don't be forced into agreeing to a vacation plan or attendance at an
event that seems like a bore. If you give in just to satisfy someone else,
you may wind up regretting it.
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