[情报] 11/10 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-11-09 16:26:06
Capricorn horoscope for Friday Nov 10
A while back, Capricorn, you reserved judgment on a decision made by someone y
ou care for. At the time, you may have had doubts about what that person chose
to do, but you held your thoughts in, and tried to have faith. That wise choi
ce will pay off soon, as the stars shed light on the origin of that person's d
ecision. It will all become clear, and when it makes sense, you can feel good
about steering clear of criticism. From now on, this is a smart way to go with
this individual, who may be quite intelligent and given to deep thinking. Tru
st in their judgment.
作者: Trent11 (过河之卒只有往前)   2017-11-09 17:07:00
好 谢谢翻译
作者: killuaz (从前的从前从没变过)   2017-11-09 17:09:00
推 相信自己的眼光
作者: boy41912 (boy41912)   2017-11-09 17:23:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2017-11-09 18:20:00
作者: soso16 (公家的小米粒)   2017-11-09 19:56:00
作者: dazzzzi (dazzzzi)   2017-11-09 20:33:00
作者: ivyclover (草)   2017-11-09 22:05:00
作者: qk33520 (5sosfam)   2017-11-10 01:23:00
作者: licha517 (等待)   2017-11-10 08:59:00

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