[情报] 8/10 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-08-09 09:48:18
Capricorn horoscope for Thursday Aug 10
Although you may be happy much of the time, and although you can certainly enj
oy the good times, there is an old emotional wound that has not healed. You ke
ep it covered, perhaps because you feel that if it is "out of sight" it will r
emain out of mind. But it is always right there beneath the surface, Capricorn
, and right now is a good time to free yourself from it. Think about how far y
ou have come. Think about the good that has come from a certain misfortune. Yo
u are better for it, and that is truly something to celebrate.
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我要哭了 真的... 我以为看不到就好了
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