[情报] 7/17 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-07-16 00:08:43
Capricorn horoscope for Monday Jul 17
Someone is transforming right before your eyes, Capricorn. This may be difficu
lt for you because you like the way things were with this person. But if this
is someone who is young, it is all about growing and learning - and you will h
ave to grow and learn too. But the same can be said even if this is someone wh
o is older and well established, because anyone can grow and evolve if they ar
e open to it. The problem with this particular situation, for you at least, is
that it may feel like you are losing something as this process unfolds and th
ings change. But you are not losing anything - you are both going through a tr
ansformation to become more of who you truly are at your core.
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for real
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