[情报] 12/23 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2016-12-22 09:38:25
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 23 2016
Someone may be offering you advice now, Capricorn, and you may feel inclined t
o take it. Perhaps you don't have confidence in your own ability to see things
objectively and to know what to do. But there is a difference between your vi
ewpoint and the other person's perspective. It's as if your friend has climbed
to the top of a mountain, and can see a town far below - but not clearly. You
, on the other hand, live in that town. You can see the shops, the people, and
the scenery up close. Don't underestimate your own point of view.
作者: ivyclover (草)   2016-12-22 09:51:00
作者: kim03191230 (柚子)   2016-12-22 12:38:00
作者: ccshineshin (人形少女肥宅心)   2016-12-22 12:39:00
作者: long30214 (long30214)   2016-12-22 12:49:00
作者: hikari (苒苒物华休)   2016-12-22 13:32:00
作者: ph18   2016-12-22 17:31:00
推 明知自己容易固执 却也会担心自己固执容易误事
作者: keeptrue   2016-12-22 20:46:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2016-12-22 21:50:00
作者: sheneddie (ash)   2016-12-23 02:00:00
作者: iyppuafq (海狮)   2016-12-23 20:18:00
作者: freequeen (课程专员)   2016-12-23 23:00:00

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