[情报] 10/18 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2016-10-17 14:25:24
Capricorn horoscope for Oct 18 2016
You may be judging someone you know casually or whom you met recently by the c
ompany that person keeps. After all, everyone knows that birds of a feather fl
ock together - right? Not necessarily, Capricorn. You can't necessarily assess
this person's character or interests or anything else simply by the people yo
u've seen them with. In nature birds of several species actually do flock toge
ther at times, generally because there is strength in numbers. Don't jump into
conclusions. Reserve judgment until you know more.
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作者: qk33520 (5sosfam)   2016-10-17 15:32:00
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作者: tt2266   2016-10-17 16:35:00
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作者: sket119 (戴草帽的章鱼)   2016-10-18 02:35:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2016-10-18 02:40:00
作者: ahchoochoo (阿啾啾)   2016-10-18 07:52:00

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