[情报] 8/21 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peterbono (Nobody)   2016-08-20 17:26:33
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 21 2016
You may think that a tough stance and an overpowering approach will cause a tr
oublemaker to back off and change. You may think that you can overwhelm this p
erson into listening to reason, but this is someone who may be far more stubbo
rn than you Capricorn. When someone like this feels cornered, they fire back w
ith even more anger and resolve. However, if you approach this person in a gen
tle, caring, non-threatening manner, you will stand a much greater chance of s
uccess, and you may even win an ally.
作者: qk33520 (5sosfam)   2016-08-20 17:31:00
作者: jwency0105 (張小允)   2016-08-21 01:54:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2016-08-21 09:43:00

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