[情报] 2023/10/16~2023/10/22 Weekly Horoscop

楼主: maple150814 (我的女朋友超萌的)   2023-10-16 08:18:35
本周在工作或商业交易中要小心 ‘披着羊皮的狼’。
Cancer horoscope for 10月 16 - 10月 22
Early on this week, it might seem as though someone is trying to keep importan
t information away from you. They may not answer your calls or respond to mess
ages you send them. But before you go there, dear Moonchild, try to consider o
ther possibilities, such as the chance that this person does not have the info
rmation you need and feels bad about it for some reason. Back off a bit and tr
y again later. In the meantime, seek out the information yourself in some othe
r way. Be careful about a "wolf in sheep's clothing" at work or in a business
deal this week. Someone quite accomplished and appealing might approach you ab
out a money matter, but they might be far more shrewd than they appear. Don't
give away anything important until you have secured your position to protect y
our own assets and reputation. A frustrating legal or contract matter may wear
you out before the week is over. This may be some kind of bureaucratic bad dr
eam, and the tedium of it might start to stress you out. If you can, get advic
e from someone who has more experience, such as an attorney. You can prevail i
f you handle this in a professional way.

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