Cancer horoscope for 7月 11 - 7月 17
Someone in your world may make a declaration or statement that seems pompous o
r arrogant. You are a naturally honest person who engages with others on a mor
e down-to-earth level, dear Moonchild. So this kind of a display is likely to
agitate and annoy you. However, there may be something in this message that yo
u need to hear. Try to overlook the irritating aspects, and concentrate on the
core of what is being said. You may wind up in the role of intervenin in a co
nflict among friends. Although you probably won't want to become involved in s
omeone else's argument this week, you may be the only one who can serve as the
voice of reason - and if you don't, it could turn into something that will di
srupt your plans in one way or another. Maintaining an even tone in a passiona
te conversation that comes up between you and a romantic partner or a friend w
ill make all the difference in being properly understood. If you allow your me
ssage to come through in a level and low-key way, you will find that it will b
e well-received. Try to inject humor into an awkward or frustrating matter tha
t occurs toward the end of the week. If you can laugh at it, you can actually
find something in it to enjoy.