Cancer horoscope for 9月 13 - 9月 19
Someone may have turned you down for some request you made recently, and it ma
y have struck you as surprising but certainly as a disappointment. You may be
wondering what caused them to let you down in this way, dear Moonchild, but it
probably had nothing at all to do with you. This may have had everything to d
o with this person's mood in that moment, and their reaction to you was just c
oincidental. This week, plan a way to approach this person again in a gentle,
caring way, and you may get the answer you have been hoping for. An occurrence
that seems like a happy coincidence may occur this week for you. You may find
yourself in the company of someone you care for and admire, and the timing ma
y be surprising. But there may be more to this than just a coincidence. You ma
y be meant to team up for something else that could happen later on, so keep t
hat in mind. You may have been depriving yourself where spending money was con
cerned in recent weeks, but this week why not do something special for yoursel
f for a change. You are so generous with others that you often spend whatever
you have allotted on those you love, but you wind up short-changing yourself.
This week, try to put yourself first. It will be a nice little pick-me-up.