You may hear a lot this month about what other people think is wonderful and
impressive about you. This may be exactly what you need to hear right now,
Moonchild, especially if you have been feeling isolated or lonely. You are so
inside yourself sometimes that you forget how much you have to offer, and an
occasional reminder can help you recognize all that is so special about you.
Soak it up and believe it.
After a lull in creativity, you may find yourself feeling a lot more ambitious
this month. You may want to revive some old dream or plan and breathe new life
into it, and that is certainly possible now. Just be sure that you are
persistent in your efforts, or you could fall back into old patterns of
restlessness or lack of focus.
Don't let an old wound or a memory of a painful time in your life keep popping
up in your psyche, but it can and it will if you dwell on it. Set yourself
free from unpleasant and possibly destructive thoughts by chasing them the
moment they arrive. If you can continue to do this for the next few weeks, you
can break this pattern and develop a more hopeful and positive way of thinking.
can break this pattern and develop a more hopeful and positive way of thinking.