Promises made, promises kept. That is one of the many mottos you keep,
Moonchild, that involve your character and your way of being true to
yourself and to others. This week, you may have to fulfill a promise you
made, even though it may not seem as good an idea as it did at the time.
However, when you follow through, you may discover that there are some
unexpected benefits. You may be pleasantly surprised this week by an
amazing spiritual connection that is evolving with someone you already
know. While you may have seen this individual as pleasant and appealing, a
deeper vein of attraction may become apparent. This may or may not be a
romantic attraction, but it is worth pursuing either way. A relationship
you have had for some time may experience some conflict this week. You may
harbor some resentment for this person over past treatment or a recent
disappointment, but try to find your way through that. The conflict you
may have can be easily resolved if you don't allow a grudge to have an
influence on your interactions. Cap the week off with some time just for
yourself, doing whatever you most want to do.