August 2017
You may feel as though you are sitting on the edge of your seat - but you may not realize why. Changes are taking place, and certain dreams are coming full circle. The time and effort you have put into many of your missions is beginning to be rewarded, and it will be an exciting time for you, Moonchild. Much of what you have worked for and longed for is unfolding this month, and that is what's behind the sense of anticipation that you are feeling now. Although some of the elements that will lead to
turning points for you may not be so obvious, it is all coming together in a meaningful way. Do your best in the next few weeks to maintain a feeling of optimism, the way you would protect the flame of a candle. Your good attitude will promote good energy and will attract any help you may need from the universe.
本月运势 - 巨蟹座 八月 Daily Horoscope app
你可能会有种既紧张又兴奋(坐在椅子边缘)的感觉 - 但你却无法意识到为什么. 改变正在发生, 某些特定的梦想正在圆满达成中. 那些你曾花费时间与精力的任务即将要得到回报了, 对你来说, 这将会是个很令人振奋的时刻, 月之子. 那些你正在努力中或是渴求中的事情, 这个月都将会有所展开, 而这就是你现在充满期待感的原因. 虽然一些会为你带来转捩点的元素还不是那么明显, 但这都是有意义的. 在接下来的几个星期内, 就像是在保护烛火般地尽全力保持乐观. 良好的态度将促进正面的能量, 也会吸引到宇宙提供你所需要的帮助.