peace305 (Solar)
2016-08-04 23:55:20You have poured yourself into a special dream for a long time, Moonchild.
Perhaps you have spent late nights working on this dream. You have certainly
worked harder than a lot of people you know who have gotten far ahead of you.
You may be wondering now why you haven't achieved this dream yet. You need to
know that it is not because the universe has forgotten you, or because you
have fallen out of favor with the powers that be. Very soon the roadblocks
you've faced in the past will fall, and it will be a whole new world for you.
很喜欢这个版本的每日运势 即使不是好运也总是激励人心
谢谢翻译!喜欢这个版本+1 想赶快进入全新的世界QQ
作者: Miadora (MiaMia) 2016-08-05 00:37:00
作者: lalassss (阿巧) 2016-08-05 01:26:00
喜欢这个版本+1 每次想放弃时都会出现激励的话
feu5090 (台南追梦人)
2016-08-05 01:30:00耶,全新的自己,告诉自己加油
作者: pqowieur0000 (MM) 2016-08-05 04:34:00
Mi0710 (蜜蜜)
2016-08-05 07:56:00总是很正面能量的翻译,谢谢
作者: CHU4715CHU 2016-08-05 08:55:00
作者: rainbowsungo (rainbow) 2016-08-05 11:05:00
谢谢翻译~喜欢这版本的正面思维~A WHOLE NEW WORLD~想到阿拉丁跟茉莉公主高歌的画面~
att549 (我思故我在)
2016-08-05 15:24:00希望成绩出来就能进入全新的世界