[情报] 03/24 Daily Horoscope

楼主: ohigotyou (哈哈哈哈)   2016-03-24 07:32:18
Cancer horoscope for Mar 24 2016
You may feel that you are conveying your thoughts very well today, Moonchild.
You may think that you are being clear, articulate, and expressive. You consid
er yourself a good communicator, and you are. However, there is one element to
good communication that isn't always so obvious. No matter how well you speak
, it won't matter if you aren't speaking the other person's "language." You ne
ed to reach a certain person on their level. When you do, you will have a wond
erful moment of revelation.
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作者: devil6eyes (Arondip)   2016-03-24 08:44:00
作者: tomopo110705 (catcat)   2016-03-24 09:36:00
作者: daija (我想捍卫你的笑容)   2016-03-24 10:04:00
作者: do937017 (绿豆)   2016-03-24 18:59:00

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